Benjamin Eskew (Web Engineer)

Benjamin Eskew

Web Developer / Software Engineer
"I am a Web Developer with 17+ years of professional experience in all aspects of web development and programming; including information design, interface development, and integrating frontend views with backend technologies in an elegant fashion.
I am currently seeking a full-time career."


Freelance (2008 - present)

Los Angeles, CA - Web Developer
Lead the development of several travel-based web-services for myself and created many travel-related web service integration's with various 3rd party services.
The Laravel framework has been the primary MVC environment being developed with the LEMP stack (Linux, Nginx, MySQL, PHP). Frontend technologies include (definitely not limited to) TailwindCSS, Bootstrap, Webpack, ES6, HTML5 and much more.
Also, have worked on many contract-based projects for other companies.

Sunrise Integration (Aug. 2016 - Jun. 2017)

Hollywood, CA - Web Engineer
Lead the development of many ecommerce-based projects. (Shopify, Magento, custom) Developed Shopify e-commerce projects using the Shopify platform (Liquid templates and also custom Shopify apps).
Educated the entire development team about “new” technologies, including Laravel, Composer, Vagrant, Git, Vue.js, Redis, Node.js, PhoneGap, and various Unix/Linux command-line applications.

PowerHouse Creative, LLC (Feb. 2013 - Nov. 2013)

Hollywood, CA - Senior Developer
Lead the management and production of projects and custom MVC software solutions for fortune 500 and other various companies and corporations.
Technologies utilized here range from LAMP stack builds in the cloud (AWS; RackSpace; DigitalOcean) to simple configurations, depending on the requirements of the client.

trueRSVP, Inc.(Planana) (May 2012 - Sept. 2012)

Hollywood, CA - Lead Developer
Lead the management and production of projects and custom web software development. Managed an out-sourced team of web developers and learned the ins-and-outs of “start-up” business development. Also, was involved in “pitching” the business to investors and agencies.
The LAMP stack was utilized here and a custom framework was developed for the web-services.

Protex Safe Co (Jan. 2011 - Mar. 2012)

Canoga Park, CA - Senior Software Engineer
Lead the management and production of several web projects, requiring a small development team, one designer, and a quality assurance engineer.
The LAMP stack was used here. Magento; RackSpace Cloud;


PHP 5-8
I've been creating magic with PHP for over fifteen years and still going strong.
Laravel 1-11
Laravel has been a major focus of my development since its inception. From basic personal sites, business APIs, e-commerce systems, to enterprise applications for Fortune 500 companies.
Software Versioning
Code versioning isn't simply a tool used for teamwork, it's essential for keeping track of the history of information. Versioning has been a tool used by Humans for thousands of years.
JavaScript has been an essential tool for me for over twenty years and continues to surprise me as time goes on.
Cascading Style Sheets
I'm not the greatest web designer by any stretch but being able to write code to create designs is a strong suit of mine.
Throughout my professional career I've mainly been a back-end web developer and utilizing databases is key to creating "sticky" web services and websites.
Cloud Computing
I've been utilizing cloud computing technologies since their inception. By coming from a traditional history of solo-computing to handle web infrastructure it gives me advantages in understanding system architecture on a per project basis, as sometimes understanding that cloud computing is simply over-kill, or the only option.
Amazon Web Services Digital Ocean


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